Friday, February 4, 2011

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Funny Italian proverbs and sayings

As you know, proverbs - a reflection of how he sees one or the other people surrounding Indeed, the breathes and lives, fount of folk wisdom, the experience of many tens of generations. So let's look at some of the masterpieces of the Italian sharpness:

1) Altezza e 'mezza bellezza - High growth - almost beautiful.
What can I say, the average growth below the Italians say, the Russians, so tall and stately fellows girls very, very there in price.

2) Chi beve birra campa cent'anni - who drinks beer lives up to one hundred years.
Men, this is for you, now would be justified in front of women, citing their Italian folk wisdom. Preferably, in the original language for best effect)))

3) Non basta avere i soldi, bisogna anche saperli spendere - not enough to have money, we should still be able to spend them.
tastefully, that is. New Russian and others like them to remember.

4) D'agosto moglie mia non ti conosco - In August, my dear wife, I do not know.
proverb has more ancient roots and has valuable advice for men: Do not overwork at the marriage bed in the hottest time of year. Believe old, they know better!

5) Chi dorme non piglia pesci - Who sleeps, he does not catch fish.
Here everything is clear: the fisherman can not sleep for a bite!

6) Chi va a Roma, perde la poltrona - Will you go to Rome - will lose seats.
Chi va a Milano, perde il divano - Will you come to Milan - will lose the sofa.
Do not think that we've got furniture stolen, it is the Italians warned that not all change - for the better, and that edinidozhdy tronuvshis from their homes, returning, you can find him already occupied. A holy place is never empty, so to speak)))

7) Gli ospiti sono come il pesce, dopo tre giorni puzzano - Guests that fish - 3 days stink!
is to ensure that it is necessary to know and honor. And with such a hospitable nation, mind)))

8) I parenti sono come le scarpe, piu 'sono stretti e piu' fanno male - Relatives of a shoe - the closer, the more painful.
In Italian stretti - this is "close" (relatives) and "close" (shoes).

9) Il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi - The devil makes the pan, but do not cover
This is to ensure that any lie, sooner or later be disclosed.

10) Meglio un morto in casa che un marchigiano alla porta - Better dead at home rather than a resident of the Marche at the door
Meglio un morto in casa che un pisano all'uscio - Better dead at home rather than a resident of Pisa at the door
Yeah, that's so loved in Italy of its neighbors from the surrounding villages. It all comes from the Middle Ages, when the city competed with each other / fighting for the title of the very, very ...

11) Un buon vino, un buon uomo e una bella donna dura poco - Good Wine, Good a man and a beautiful woman does not last forever.
very pessimistic, but surely noticed. Especially, in this combination.

12) Peccato di pantalone trova presto la soluzione, peccato di gonna fa arrabbiar la Madonna - peccadillo men can be quickly resolved, peccadillo woman angers Madonna.
They're to the fact that the man on the side of the can, and women - no, no! Bad as it turns! Unfair! And where only the Madonna look?!

13) Trenta dì conta novembre con april, giugno e settembre, di ventotto ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri ne han trentuno . - In November, April, June and September - 30 days, one month, the MDM 28 days, and the rest - 31! This
have to learn those all the time - like me - forget how many days per month. )))

14) Vecchiaia con pazienza prolunga l'esistenza - Just have a retirement - a pledge of longevity.
In Italy, many centenarians - And not without reason: everything con calma (leisurely)!

15) La vita è come un albero di natale, c'è sempre qualcuno che rompe le palle. - Life is like a dressed Christmas tree, make sure there is someone who breaks the balls.
Again Game words rompere le palle in Italian it and smash balls "and" blow off the nerves "(literally: breaking eggs ... sorry ...)

As a next time I'll write about the Italian curses, but in the meantime I wish you that your life does not resemble a Christmas tree))))


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