Italy Italy for the Arabs?
I remember when I still lived in Moscow, my husband is now often shared with my observations on Sunday sitting okoloslavyanskih immigrants in the square at Milan Central Station. He, after hearing my seditious stories about the Italian consulate in Moscow, kept wanting to ask the fellow future bride about how he was lucky to get to Italy, I dissuaded him. They were - and there, most of them - illegal immigrants who regularly join the ranks of nurses, care workers, seasonal workers ...
But the brothers-Slavs, who have found their niche in the Italian labor market, and now Italy more and more, all the more powerful tight, props - and closely - illegal immigrants from the South Africa. Today on the radio I heard "this afternoon, towards evening, is expected to arrive another vessel with illegal immigrants in Lampedusa ..." and clarify: these things become possibly due to improved weather. And then add: in the morning is one boat nailed the same to the sacred shores of Italy. And before them was how much? How many Africans landed in Lampedusa rubberized suffering, but how much has already managed to escape from the center of the reception of immigrants, eh? And where are they filed? What will work? Will they work and pay taxes?
Because, you know, all familiar to me Russian Italian work, and not just work part time part-time at the hairpin a plow. And honestly pay taxes to the country, which for them - which is understandable and expectable - nothing a while and did not. And they certainly want these funds were used to improve the quality of care for school reform, grants for study in universities for their future children, citizens of Italy. But the Italian government, as can be seen, judged differently ...
either Berlusconi's too busy saving their own skins and political career, seriously shaken after scandal involving underage prostitutes Ruby, by the way, foreigners, or the government is woefully spineless and spineless, or, in terms more politically the correct term, liberal, but in any case the Italian ruling elite oh, how far from even-not-French Sarkozy, who spat on world opinion, the charges of inhumanity, inciting ethnic hatred and racial hatred took and drove Gypsies from their native France. Public pokudahtala and was silent, but perhaps France is now a bit outdoorsy. Now this descendant of Hungarian immigrants probably on the order of the Arabs. He only Le Pen must uncover, and then Sarkozy alone, I'm afraid not cope.
You may ask, why am I getting at? Let me answer a question with a question: why not to organize patrols of the state border with Italy, Tunisia, warships, which - I think - have the right (or even required?) produce warning shots in case of violation of the border, and in case of disobedience, to open fire on? Because there is a Geneva Convention, and do not shoot at unarmed? And then I'll ask one more question: do you know that in Italy for refusing to give a cigarette can be a knife and jab yesterday unarmed hungry emigrants? Because such cases have already been, and not just once.
Or why not organize the expulsion podlechennyh, fed, obihozhennyh refugees back in their homelands? Why? Why? Why? How many of these "why" of how much hatred for the unfortunate refugees, and more fear of them. Italy Requests Urgent assistance from the European Commission, on what gets a response that such issues "Dear Ambassador, with kondachka not hesitate, go for a week."
Meanwhile, dad cries out for mercy and preaches kindness from the window of his Vatican safe for Berlusconi and his party Bunga Bunga army security delivers prostitutes to his many villas, all political opponents are tearing apart other people's opinion and their own throats and overstrain, Cursing Berlusconi. A hungry, unhappy refugees are still arriving at the welcoming Italian soil. And the Italians continue to compare all the charm Girlfriends Berlusconi and on the cheap apartments prodavatsobstvennye immigrants, leaving out of the black ghetto once became quiet neighborhood on the periphery Milan.
Remember the landing of Columbus in America? Remember, as the English conquistadors first encountered friendly Indians? Gifts to their land brought them fed, caressed, in his settled. Next to continue?
Maybe strange to hear such talk from a Russian immigrant, but I really want that in Italy, speak Italian, bells of Catholic churches, in schools over the door hung crucifix painted lips girls at age 12, on the streets would have been tiny and cozy family pizzeria, and that anyone would not be afraid to go home, or across ethnic, or through the central districts. But, judging from how things are going at the moment, it's a utopia, and very soon in Italy, will speak Arabic (or at best, in Chinese), cry out to God, to walk in paranzhe, eat kebabs while the locals finally run away or do not rise ... But I definitely do not want to participate in it!
And only the party serving for the separation of the industrial north of Italy from a backward agrarian south, hit the alarm: "They have not been able to streamline immigration and now live on reservations! Think!
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