Friday, February 11, 2011

Church Service Sample Programs Wording

Milan in Milan thriving Chinese, not Russian prostitution. Did not expect?

Милан наводнен китайскими и тайскими массажными салонами. It would seem that someone does not like oriental people know an expert in massage, and the prices they are much lower than the Italian counterparts. But local audiences are not just unhappy, Italian protest, they came to the press and collect signatures and organize a committee to "sweep" of his apartment block! Ask why? And this I will now tell you!

famous Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera two days ago, published an article , which explained in detail where and how much, and that's it. For unpossessed Italian Language summarize in two words: under the guise of beauty salons and massage parlors actually operate, what would you think that's right, brothels. Italian mothers especially angered by the fact that these same dens located opposite the church. For information: the brothels are not just opposite the church, they have it in the literal sense of the word was surrounded. I myself lived in this area and I can say that around the church of St. Gregory is at least 4 of these salon located Window-in-box.

These same shops began to appear like mushrooms after the rain about 3 years ago when I had just moved to Italy, but lately enterprise of the Chinese diaspora has achieved a truly impressive scale. Still, close to Central Station and cheap hotels, and hence the potential customers who may want to relax. Moreover, all sewn-indoor: most of these stores are really doing a manicure, pedicure and massage. But as it turned out, There are services out of the list price. Go for a manicure, I somehow did not dare, but went for a massage, just for fun. And even her husband took with him, just in case! And girls - just do not laugh! - Very sorry about this!

That's how it happened: we were separated and assigned to separate cabins with subdued lighting and plasterboard partitions. All paid for their 40 minutes of massage - do not laugh, I asked - I listened keenly left ear - to what is happening on the left, her husband's booth, and right - to the next, with an unknown man, apparently trying to persuade her masseuse to the intima. And if in the left ear, I have not had any alarming signals then my right ear I could hear phrases like, "Well, I even brought wine ... you promised me last time .. come on now ... "And my tiny parallel Chinese Thumbelina as crumpling my back, I was all, and thrown across the couch. Relax with me, as you can see, does not work, but my long-suffering back was very happy. My husband is in a totally uncharacteristic categorically said that his legs more will not be here and looked at me like a wolf, while I designed the card a regular customer, promising every tenth massage - it's free! I would really would be like at this salon and medical treatment to his back, but - that's bad luck! - As soon as we entered the Chinese, we felt the "sweet" flavor of Chinese cuisine, which velsya to clothes, skin and hair. That Corriere writes that Oriental girls sometimes and if you do not live in the cabin, in a radius of 50 meters from him, sleeping and eating in the workplace. That's why I stayed with the patient back and with the confidence that Chinese restaurant - no matter how popular they are smart and were not - will remain forever for me to terra incognita.

And, I think me, if those same brave Italian Signora, that - according to the correspondent of Corriere - go door to door collecting signatures to improve the moral shape of the quarter, we came to see me, not fearing the Russian names to call, then I probably would have signed up under their petition. So as not to povadno had Russian bread and butter from under the noses of the competition and take away form the fact that Italians are considered to be exclusively Slavic profession .... And then once for the Fatherland insulting, and so they are in the Far East is already close!

And since, in every post has to be concluded, then I suggest to complete the following conclusion: finally on the Slav not be thought of as, pardon me, damn, because we come on the heels of Chinese women, and more, they are low cost and hardworking, I do not want to humiliate any mentioned nationalities, because they do not believe in stereotypes, but only in what I see with my own eyes, but because if offended anyone, I beg your pardon, I really like to sign petition neighbors, the Italians, because it is stronnitsey order throughout and what happens is that disorder, I'm here too now do not want in this area children grow. But I really really wish that the Italian government would have been more attentive to the permitted in their country of emigrants to the nature of their activities, to these same immigrants in the first place would not suffer from the commonplaces of prejudice with respect to their nationality. And so the locals would not have seen in Each of us is a thief, a murderer or a prostitute and not have to have been "cleaned" quarters on their own. Amen!


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