Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Female Waxing Genital Area

peas and pepper for good luck - in Italy

Russia and Italy have in common extreme suspiciousness and an unusually fertile imagination of its own citizens, so literally on all occasions sure to have some kind of terrifying their belief.

Surprisingly, but many of the signs are extremely similar. Both countries firmly believe that a black cat promises failed, the mirrors are fighting, unfortunately, if the groom suddenly sees his a bride in a wedding dress before the ceremony, the wedding will not happen, sleep feet to the door - to death and left hand itches to money ... And how do you behold these Italian Pearls: 13 or 17 people at the table, hat on the bed or open an umbrella in the house are predicting disaster. Do not even think about making the bed in Italy, three of them: the youngest die!

Italian superstition can even be classified by origin, just like wine: the religious (do not eat apples on Christmas day - a reference to an apple contention, not to put his knife and fork on a plate crosswise - a reminder of the crucifixion of Christ), drinking (spilling salt on the table on Tuesday - a bad sign, shed oil - to the distress, and wine - good luck), vegetable (bundles of garlic hanging by the door, stripped all the diseases, bay leaf will not give spouses quarrel, peas and its flowers promise good luck in business, and rosemary in contact with skin promises joy.) But the optimistic - and practicality - the Italians have taken care of "antidotes" from all these evils: the evil eye will protect the whole hot pepper and "horn" (exposed ahead of the clamped fist and index finger little finger).

And, as always, the south of Italy - as a litmus test of all the typical national traditions - far more superstitious. Thus, the Neapolitans have even developed special interpreter of dreams Smorfia napoletana (Neapolitan grimace), where events and characters in dreams correspond to numbers on that later - already awake - it is imperative play the lottery. For example, 1 - this is Italy, 21 - nude woman, 42 - Coffee 45 - good wine, 52 - mother 63 - the bride, 66 - two old maids, 82 - covered table, 84 - the church. Luck matches number 23, and you know why? Because the number "3" recalls, sorry, the pun, the fifth point; incredible luck in Italian slang - it's the same priest, culo , Here, and receives a double success.

What you and I wish you, your 26 (Anna).


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