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Even atheists, draft dodgers from the masses, the opponents of marriage in general and wedding In particular, God is present in Italians living every moment - because if they do not blaspheme enraged, then certainly call of God and all the saints to witness almost every of his words. Here's how things are with the Catholic religion in the country officially and in practice:
state religion Italy - Roman Catholicism, his, according to Wikipedia, confesses about 97% of the population. Still, the Vatican bdit! The Italians seem to me quite religious people but now many members complain that young people do not want to go to the priests. As a consequence, among the clergy more and more often by foreigners, immigrants from Poland (Following the Italian stronghold of Catholicism), Zaire (!!!), Colombia, India, Romania ... It turns out missionary work on the contrary, is such a paradox. Last August in the small resort town near Rome, I had 3 times going to mass in the performance of Romanians - the congregation murmured, and bemoaned the fact that due to unfortunate the focus of their new Holy Father did not understand the local preaching. Incidentally, in the Lazio region, whose capital is exactly Rome, most foreign priests. Lazio comes on the heels of Tuscany.
catastrophically and thinning the ranks of young people visiting the church, the masses all entirely gray haired noble head: Signora in full dress and their elegant wives. Incidentally, in Italy there is the concept of "Sunday dress": a modest post-war Italians prettify it to Sunday Mass and cherished almost the only dress out for just such cases, after going to the church was almost the main event in the social life of almost everyone - believer - Italian. As you can see here, as we have at home, too, met on clothes. And still many Local ladies are doing the old-fashioned styling on Saturday to the Sunday service does not lose face in the mud in front of her neighbors, gossips. However, we digress from the thesis of "the youth in the church hardly walk." By the way, among my numerous Italian friends only my husband can boast as he puts it, "a black belt in Mass.," because many prostradav safely through the course of the catechism (the rate of young Catholics) and came out from under the watchful parental control, successfully forgotten - or we should say clog - in God. Still, anyone in these times is an hour and a half of free time? After usually that is how much and lasts Mass, and only crowned our Florentine priest, a heavy smoker, spends every Sunday Express campaign against illiteracy by half an hour so that, God forbid, do not miss a smoke break!
It did that Sunday's marches on the Mass is still sacred to many Italian families. Should be replaced by that religious fervor is more common, rather, in small towns and especially in southern Italy. But on Christmas and Easter church full implementation of benevolent Zeal parishioners - a kind of already become quite secular tradition to celebrate the main religious holidays of the country. At Easter in churches and cathedrals of Italy apple nowhere to fall, and after a celebratory Mass enlightened congregation was relieved to go home to eat Colombo and chocolate eggs. At Christmas, the first rows traditionally occupied by respectable elderly Signora with carefully stacked ringlets, in mink coats for all family brillyantah and their husbands under knob on the back row - young mothers with crying babies and desperate young father. In the aisles languishing youth, winking with cute girls and skrashivaya tedious wait peeping furtively over iPhones. Incidentally, Mass. No, no, yes, and you will hear a sudden trill of a mobile in the scattered parishioner. And only the old lady, God's dandelions in full communion with God go to Mass almost every day (there are morning, afternoon and evening "sessions") and actively participate in parish activities. A parish life goes on in Italy is very active: it charges Donate to various good causes, and joint Holidays, for which local signori bake cakes and sell the same congregation and give money to charity, and trips to holy places, and summer "Camp" for children.
Church tries to take an active part in the most symbolic moments of the life of Italian citizens: for example, baptism is important event, worthy of an occasion for celebration for many relatives, scattered throughout Italy. A similar, if not lavish, Celebration arranged and for the next most important event - wedding, but before the altar of the spouses should pass mandatory for the married couple in a church marriage preparation course, which lasts from several weeks to several months depending on the region of Italy where the couple live. I was serving this very obligation in Milan twice a week from 21.00 to 22.00 for a couple of months, after which successfully passed the interview, which resulted in the Catholic Church has graciously allowed me to to the altar.
Now, with the blessing of the church and its vicar the pope - I do not even have a diploma signed and sealed, as you think! - And now live in Milan and share with you insider information about Italy and Italians.
\\As a next time I'll write about the Italian curses, but in the meantime I wish you that your life does not resemble a Christmas tree))))