Caorle Sunday
Sunday afternoon January 23, piercingly sunny and cold. Hour ride on the Venetian plain on the way of the river Piave, past the industrial центров деревень, заводских корпусов, супермаркетов, аутлетов, полей, не самых радостных пейзажей зимней северной Италии. И я на море в городке Каорле. Рыбацкая village originally, where, and continued the tradition of painting homes in the colorful fun colors to more recognizable from the shore. Winter on the sea I imagined otherwise. Lonely and sad.
However, it was vice versa. Crowds strolling retirees and families with children and dogs. Open restaurants, bars and shops. Lumped shell, through the dripping tears and terrible cold. Breathed the sea air. In the photo church Madonna dell'Angelo. Ah, another four or five months to wait to be able to swim in the sea!
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