naivnaya_super @ 2010-11-18T10: 47:00
RL 1-7 January, 19-28 June, 1-7 September, 18-26 November.
This river and its god for the Egyptians were the source of inexhaustible energy.
Nile - the river, giving life the people of Egypt. Its waters are not only irrigated crops, but also nourished the ground during large spills. That is why one day Neil was not only river, but the deity worshiped by and who asked for assistance in lean years.
fertility god depicted with vegetables instead of hair surrounded by a large the number of offerings.
representatives of this sign - nature very passionate and impulsive. The motto of their lives - it is better to do and do not regret what not to do and regret. They fit any profession, they will not have to sit all day at work, you can navigate and easily change their occupation.
supernatural ability people of the Nile - a gift of healing. If you try, you will be able to shoot his hands and a headache to get rid of the evil eye and negative energy. Next to you, people feel comfortable and peaceful. Your aura is a huge positive charge.
Character: cheerful and patient. You can easily adapt to any environment.
You are very perceptive, so people are drawn to you. Your advice - always fall into the same endosome.
You are always there when we need your help. But be careful! Because of this, you often use. Betrayal you do not forgive, you fall into a rage and act impulsively. Your opinions dogmatically.
you can call passionate special: all that whatever you do, you throw with your head.
you - deep family man. Go to your family with extreme tenderness. Try support them with a kind word and inspire new feats.
Get your horoscope Egyptian !
via Denis_Balin
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